Ted Bell has written yet another thriller masterpiece, this time more closely resembling current events. In Patriot, we follow the story's protagonist, a MI6 agent Alex Hawke as he investigates the deaths of CIA agents in different parts of the world. Being a smart operative, he links these deaths to a rogue CIA operative who fell out with the Agency and is now on a path of blood. Not only that, but Putin's Russia has set its sights on world domination.
Ted Bell is a master storyteller. Reading this book, I could not help but imagine myself being a part of the story. I could feel the bullets whizzing by, I could feel the wind in my hair during chase scenes, and I could sense the villain's knife slicing into my flesh. Bell's Patriot is what you would expect from a spy thriller novel with loyalty, betrayal, and love all being key elements of the book. I don't think I can compare Alex Hawke to any one hero from other novels, indeed, Patriot has elements of James Bond, Jason Bourne, Jack Ryan, Bob Swagger, and Gabriel Allon combined to form one superspy that we see in Alex Hawke.
Disclaimer: I received a free copy of the book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Ted Bell is a master storyteller. Reading this book, I could not help but imagine myself being a part of the story. I could feel the bullets whizzing by, I could feel the wind in my hair during chase scenes, and I could sense the villain's knife slicing into my flesh. Bell's Patriot is what you would expect from a spy thriller novel with loyalty, betrayal, and love all being key elements of the book. I don't think I can compare Alex Hawke to any one hero from other novels, indeed, Patriot has elements of James Bond, Jason Bourne, Jack Ryan, Bob Swagger, and Gabriel Allon combined to form one superspy that we see in Alex Hawke.
Disclaimer: I received a free copy of the book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
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